If you know jellyfish vermicelli in Nha Trang city, which is a famous and delicious dish of Khanh Hoa province, there is also a dish which is also made from vermicelli, it is squid vermicelli of Van Ninh.

Van Ninh is an area lies at the foot of the southern of Ca Pass, there are majestic mountain , flat beach and blue water, it is a romatic scene. In the past, this place is very dense and cold so the name “Dai Lanh” meaning is cold. Starting from Co Ma Pass, there are a lot of restaurant extending to Dai Lanh, they sell squid vermicelli, a specialty of this land in paritcular and Khanh Hoa in general.

Dai Lanh waters has a good squid every season, the squid has a characteristic sweetness. Squid will be washed, left dry. Pineapple, tomatoes, cilantro will be sliced. The broth depends on the freshness of squid, the more fresh, the best. It is served with salad and other herbs. Just put vermicelli, pour broth in a bowl and eat with herbs, fish sauce and chili, that’s all. Simple and easy. You will have a simple dish bringing flavor of the sea. Squid vermicelli appears every season, so you can travel to there and enjoy the dish anytime.
Source: aroundvn
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