1. Lemon Ginger Detox Drink
The ginger in this drink helps kick-start metabolism while the lemon naturally detoxifies and helps to release toxins from the body.
2. Super Detox Green Smoothie
There’s no need to fear the green. Readers who have tried this fruit and veggie smoothie have been pleasantly surprised by the taste, and they love that it’s packed with all kinds of nutrients.
3. Cleanse and Detox Smoothie
This is another great cleansing smoothie that includes veggies, fruits, cinnamon and flax seeds.
4. Flush the Fat Away Vegetable Soup Recipe
This soup does a body all kinds of good since it flushes away fat and toxins and helps restore acid-alkaline and sodium-potassium balance.
5. Cleanse and Detox Superfood Salad
This salad will have you feeling great. Combine 4 cups baby spinach, 1 cup fresh blueberries, 2 carrots (sliced), 12 raw almonds sliced, 2 dates (diced). Drizzle with 2 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil and 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice.
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